The following are some of my peer-reviewed publications. For proper citations (and complete list) of my publications, please refer to Google Scholar.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Hussain, Z., Sheng, Q.Z., Zhang, W.E., Ortiz, J., and Pouriyeh. S., 2021. Unobtrusive techniques for monitoring different aspects of sleep: A Comprehensive Review. ACM Transaction on Computing for Healthcare (HEALTH), 3(2), pp.1-26..
- Hussain, Z., Waterworth, D., Mahmood, A., Sheng, Q.Z. and Zhang, W.E., 2021. Dataset for Toothbrushing Activity Using Brush-Attached and Wearable Sensors. Data in Brief, p.107248.
- Hussain, Z., Sheng, Q.Z., Zhang, WE. 2020. A Review and Categorization of Techniques on Device-Free Human Activity Recognition. Journal of Network and Computer Application (JNCA), Elsevier, Vol 167, Article 102738, 2020.
- Hussain, Z., Abbas, G. and Halim, Z., 2017. A Lightweight Fairness-Driven AQM for Regulating Bandwidth Utilization in Best-Effort Routers. Journal of Network and Systems Management,, pp.1-32.
Refereed Conference Papers
- Aldeer, M., Waterworth, D., Hussain, Z., Chowdhury, T., Brito, C., Sheng, Q.Z., Martin, R.P., and Ortiz, J., 2022, May. MedBuds: In-Ear Inertial Medication Taking Detection Using Smart Wireless Earbuds. Accepted in Second International Workshop on Cyber-Physical-Human System Design and Implementation (CPHS 2022).
- Akbar, M.S, Hussain,Z., Sheng, Q.Z., Mukhopadhyay, S., 2021. An Enhancement to Channel Access Mechanism for the IEEE 802.15.3C MillimeterWave (5G) Standard to Support Stringent QoS Requirements of IoT. Accepted in 7th EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaaS 2021).
- Hussain, Z., Waterworth, D., Aldeer, M., Zhang, W.E. Sheng, Q.Z., and Ortiz, J., 2021. Do You Brush Your Teeth Properly? An Off-body Sensor-based Approach for Toothbrushing Monitoring. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH 2021) Virtual Conference, September 5-10 2021. (pp. 59-69).
- Hussain, Z., Waterworth, D., Aldeer, M., Zhang, W.E. and Sheng, Q.Z., 2020. Toothbrushing data and analysis of its potential use in human activity recognition applications: Dataset. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Data: Acquisition To Analysis (DATA ‘20). (pp. 31-34).
- Hussain, Z., Sagar, S., Zhang, W.E. and Sheng, Q.Z., 2019. A cost-effective and non-invasive system for sleep and vital signs monitoring using passive RFID tags. In Proceedings of the 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2019). (pp. 153-161).
- Lu, J., Zheng, X., Sheng, Q.Z., Hussain, Z., Wang, J. and Zhou, W., 2019. MFE-HAR: multiscale feature engineering for human activity recognition using wearable sensors. In Proceedings of the 16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2019). (pp. 180-189).
- Tran, D. H., Hussain, Z., Zhang, W.E., Khoa, N.L.D., Tran, N.H. and Sheng, Q.Z., 2018. Deep autoencoder for recommender systems: Parameter influence analysis. In 29th Australasian conference on information systems, (ACIS 2018) (pp. 1-12).
- Hussain, Z., Abbas, G. and Raza, U., 2015. Choke with recent drop history. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT) (pp. 160-165).
- Raza, U., Abbas, G. and Hussain, Z., 2015. CHOKe-FS: CHOKe with fair bandwidth share. In Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT), (pp. 1-5).